Perinatal Postpartum OCD

The public is now learning how maternal mental health can affect the child's development and negatively impact the bond between mother and child. More research studies are now focusing on Postpartum OCD - one of the most misdiagnosed and misunderstood perinatal mental disorders. Perinatal anxiety doesn't always mean having an OCD, but studies confirmed that 3-5% of new mothers (and fathers) experience obsessive and compulsive symptoms. Postpartum OCD involves repetitive, intrusive thoughts and images that patients find frightening and distressful. In a 2008 study, it was found that the obsessive images reported are not delusional and that patients experiencing these obsessions are least likely to act on them.

Signs and Symptoms

  • ~ Obsessions

    - recurring, unwelcome thoughts or mental images related to one's child. These thoughts are very distressing and upsetting to the patient, and something they haven't experienced before

  • ~ Compulsions

    - compulsive behavior in response to the obsessive thoughts, such as cleaning excessively, counting or arranging things.

  • ~ Other symptoms:

    • • horrible feeling about the obsessions
    • • worrying about being left alone with an infant
    • • being overprotective of the infant
    • • awareness of the absurdity of their worries and doubts

Causes and Risk Factors

Postpartum OCD may run in the family. Having a family history of OCD and other anxiety-related disorders increases one's chance of developing the disorder. This type of OCD is highly treatable with a proper treatment program, that can be designed by Dr. Hank Srednicki. If you're suffering from this condition, you must know that it's not your fault. Your obsessions are not manifestations of any hidden motives. We know what you are going through, and we are here to help you find a specialist who understands your condition and is well-trained to handle such cases. Simply Call Dr Hank Srednicki.



You have more control, than you think.

543 Valley Road, suite 6 Upper Montclair NJ 07043

NY City Address of 30 West 63rd Street New York, NY 10023
Dr. Henry Srednicki